Let Us Embrace History!
Let us go back to the past- a different world in all respects. History is a record of human actions in the past. It is either revealed or condemned to the dark abyss. Nevertheless, it brings forth certain revelations and truth. It seeks to identify our identity, beliefs, culture and conception of nationhood. Look at the pyramids of Giza, Massive rock-cut shrines of India or the untainted Pantheon of Greece, how magnificently are they built. The edifice upon which these structures are built is indubitably philosophical. Each structure has a legend or a tale to be told. We will be astonished at the exquisite ancient wisdom.The oracle that prophesizes impending fortune or Bane. The knowledge of everything emanates from the past.They have stunned us with their vastness of knowledge and architecture. It is our moral responsibility to preserve them and disseminate it to the next generation. In the present context, History as as discipline is looked down by many. Some of them held that it is a boring subject. This blog intends to incite historical consciousness , serves as a corpus of Historical informations for scholars, students and enthusiasts alike.